Simple Guide: How to Get Rid of a Mattress

Simple Guide: How to Get Rid of a Mattress

Simple Guide: How to Get Rid of a Mattress

Key Highlights

  • There are multiple options available for getting rid of an old mattress, including donation, recycling, and disposal.
  • Before disposing of a mattress, it's important to assess its condition and determine if it can be or recycled.
  • Local charities and organizations, such as the Salvation Army and Goodwill, accept mattresses in good condition for donation.
  • Mattress recycling programs can be found in many areas, allowing you to responsibly dispose of your old mattress.
  • If donation or recycling is not feasible, you can contact your local waste management for guidance on mattress disposal.
  • It's also possible to sell or give away your mattress online through platforms like Craigslist.


When it's time to upgrade your mattress, the question of what to do with the old one can arise. While throwing it in the trash may seem like the easiest option, it's not the most environmentally friendly or responsible choice. Luckily, there are several alternatives for getting rid of an old mattress.

Whether you're looking to donate, recycle, or dispose of it properly, this simple guide will provide you with the necessary information to make an informed decision.

In this blog, we'll explore the step-by-step process of properly disposing of a mattress. We'll discuss how to evaluate the condition of your mattress for donation, find local charities or organizations that accept mattress donations, locate mattress recycling programs, and navigate mattress disposal with your local waste management.

We'll also cover alternative options, such as selling or giving away your mattress online, and provide tips for ensuring safe and eco-friendly mattress disposal. Additionally, we'll address common challenges that may arise during the mattress disposal process and offer solutions to overcome them.

By the end of this guide, you'll have all the information you need to responsibly and effectively get rid of your old mattress. Let's dive in!

A Step-by-Step Guide to Disposing of Your Mattress

Disposing of a mattress involves several steps to ensure proper handling and environmental responsibility. Follow this step-by-step guide to navigate the mattress disposal process with ease.

1. Evaluate the Condition of Your Mattress for Donation

Before deciding to donate your mattress, it's important to evaluate its condition. Not all mattresses are suitable for donation, especially if they are in poor condition or have significant damage. Here are some factors to consider when determining if your mattress is suitable for donation:

  • Infestations: If your mattress has bed bugs, mold, or other infestations, it should not be donated.
  • Major Structural Problems: Broken springs, sagging, or other structural issues make a mattress unsuitable for donation.
  • Rips, Tears, and Holes: Large or noticeable tears, holes, or damaged seams make a mattress unfit for donation.
  • Stains: Mattresses with large or persistent stains should not be donated.

If your mattress meets the criteria above, it may be suitable for donation. However, it's essential to check with local charities or organizations to determine their specific donation requirements and guidelines.

2. Find Local Charities for Mattress Donation

Once you have determined that your mattress is in suitable condition for donation, the next step is to find local charities or organizations that accept mattress donations. Here are a few options to consider:

  • Salvation Army: The Salvation Army is a well-known organization that accepts mattress donations in many locations. Contact your local Salvation Army to inquire about their donation process and guidelines.
  • Goodwill: Goodwill is another national organization that operates thrift stores and accepts donations, including mattresses. Check with your local Goodwill to see if they accept mattress donations and if they offer pick-up services.
  • Local Charities: There may be local charities or shelters in your area that accept mattress donations. These organizations often benefit individuals and families in need. Research and contact local charities to inquire about their donation policies and procedures.
  • Local Homeless Shelters: Try reaching out to homeless shelters around you to see if they are accepting mattress donations. If your mattress is in good shape, it could be a big help to those who are doing the good deed of housing people in need.

When donating your mattress, ensure that it is clean and in decent condition. Some organizations may have specific requirements regarding stains, smells, or bed bug prevention protocols. It's always best to check with the charity or organization beforehand to ensure compliance with their guidelines.

3. Discover Mattress Recycling Programs Near You

If donation is not an option or you are unable to find a charity that accepts mattress donations, mattress recycling is another responsible method of disposal. Many areas have mattress recycling programs or facilities that accept old mattresses. Follow these steps to discover mattress recycling programs near you:

  • Research Local Options: Start by searching online for mattress recycling programs in your area. Look for local recycling facilities or organizations that specialize in mattress recycling.
  • Check with the Mattress Recycling Council: The Mattress Recycling Council operates the "Bye Bye Mattress" program, which provides resources and information on mattress recycling. Use their online search tool to find recycling facilities near you.
  • Contact Recycling Facilities: Once you've identified potential mattress recycling facilities, contact them to inquire about their services, drop-off locations, and any associated fees.

When recycling your mattress, it's important to disassemble it if possible. Separate the mattress and box spring components to maximize recycling potential. Some recycling facilities may accept whole mattresses, while others may require disassembling the mattress prior to recycling.

4. DIY Mattress Recycling Tips

If you are unable to find a mattress recycling program or facility near you, consider implementing some DIY mattress recycling methods. While these may require more effort, they can still contribute to responsible disposal. Here are some DIY mattress recycling tips:

  • Metal Springs: If your mattress has metal springs, you can take them to a local scrap metal dealership for recycling. Some scrap metal dealers may even pay you for the metal springs.
  • Foam and Latex Mattresses: If your mattress is made of foam or latex, consider repurposing the materials for other projects. Foam can be used for padding or insulation, while latex can be reused for various crafts or projects.

By exploring these DIY options, you can contribute to reducing waste and repurposing materials from your old mattress.

5. Check with Your Local Waste Management for Mattress Disposal

When it's time to part ways with your old mattress, consider reaching out to your local waste management for hassle-free disposal. They often have specific guidelines for large items like mattresses, making the process convenient and eco-friendly.

By following their recommendations, you can ensure that your mattress ends up in the right place, avoiding illegal dumping and contributing positively to your community's waste management efforts. Contact them to inquire about pickup schedules or drop-off locations, including curbside pickup, for a seamless mattress disposal experience.

6. Consider Selling or Giving Away Your Mattress Online

If you're looking to part ways with your old mattress, considering selling or giving it away online could be a smart move. Platforms like Craigslist or local buy/sell groups, NextDoor, or Facebook Marketplace provide a convenient way to connect with potential buyers or individuals in need.

While selling might put some extra cash in your pocket, giving it away can also bring joy to someone looking for a decent mattress. Before taking your mattress to the dump, check with local organizations or online community groups to see if anyone is in need. With just a few clicks, you can say goodbye to your old mattress and make space for a new one.

Ensuring Safe and Eco-Friendly Mattress Disposal

Properly disposing of a mattress is not only important for safety reasons but also for the environment. Disposing of a mattress in a landfill can contribute to waste and pollution. Instead, consider eco-friendly options such as mattress recycling.

Recycling allows for the reuse of materials, reducing the need for new resources and minimizing waste. By recycling your mattress, you can ensure that it is disposed of in a safe and sustainable way, while also helping to protect the environment.

Understanding the Importance of Mattress Recycling

Mattress recycling plays a vital role in environmental sustainability by diverting old mattresses from local landfills. Recycling facilities break down the components of used mattresses, such as metal springs and memory foam, for repurposing into new products.

This process helps reduce the amount of bulk items in landfills and decreases the need for more resources to manufacture new mattresses, making it an eco-friendly choice for disposal. Understanding the importance of mattress recycling and proper bedding disposal can contribute to a greener and cleaner future.

How to Prepare Your Mattress for Donation or Recycling

Before donating or recycling your mattress, ensure it's in good condition. Use a mattress bag to protect it from stains and tears. Check for any structural issues or infestations like bed bugs. Clean the mattress thoroughly using DIY cleaning methods to remove any odors or stains.

If donating, contact local charities or shelters to see if they accept used mattresses. For recycling, look for nearby facilities that process old mattresses. Proper preparation ensures a smooth transition for your old mattress.

Legal and Environmental Considerations for Mattress Disposal

When disposing of a mattress, it's vital to be aware of legal and environmental factors. Many areas have specific regulations regarding mattress disposal to prevent illegal dumping. Environmentally, traditional mattresses can take up significant space in landfills and are challenging to decompose.

To tackle this, proper recycling or donation can lessen the environmental impact. Always verify local ordinances and regulations to ensure legal compliance while choosing eco-friendly disposal methods for your old mattress.

Innovative Ways to Reuse and Repurpose Old Mattresses

Have you considered transforming your old mattress into unique DIY projects? Using mattress materials for creative endeavors is an eco-friendly and fun solution. From crafting dog beds to creating raised garden beds, there are plenty of inventive ways to breathe new life into your old mattress.

By upcycling mattress parts, you can contribute to sustainability while unleashing your creativity. Why not explore these exciting possibilities and give your old mattress a second chance to shine?

Collage with heart shaped picture of dog sleeping in a bed with an eye mask on, cutout letters that spell DIY, and a picture of a dog bed next to a mattress

DIY Projects Using Mattress Materials

Transform your old mattress into exciting DIY projects! Repurpose the materials for creative ventures like crafting dog beds or constructing raised garden beds. The springs and padding of your mattress can find new life beyond the bedroom.

Upcycle your mattress with these innovative ideas, reducing waste and adding a touch of uniqueness to your surroundings. Embrace sustainability in a fun and practical way by exploring different ways to use mattress materials creatively.

Creative Ideas for Upcycling Mattress Parts

Have you ever thought about giving your old mattress a new purpose? Get creative with upcycling mattress parts! Transform old steel springs into unique wall art or repurpose memory foam into comfy dog beds. The possibilities are endless!

Let your imagination run wild and turn your used mattress into something innovative and eco-friendly. By upcycling mattress materials, you not only reduce waste but also add a touch of creativity to your living space. So, say goodbye to your old mattress and hello to exciting DIY projects!

Navigating Mattress Disposal During a Move

Moving soon? When dealing with mattress disposal during a move, consider efficient removal tips to lighten your load. Coordinate with moving companies for hassle-free disposal or find local recycling facilities before the big day.

Overcome transportation issues by planning ahead and optimizing space in moving trucks. Don't forget to check local regulations for any specific days designated for large item pickups. Streamline the process to make your move smooth and eco-friendly!

Tips for Efficient Mattress Removal When Relocating

When relocating, opt for mattress removal services from moving companies to make the process easier. Schedule pickups to align with your moving date for convenience. Ensure the mattress is ready for removal by disassembling bed frames and wrapping the mattress in a protective bag.

Coordinate with the moving team to smoothly transport the mattress with your other belongings. Streamline the operation by decluttering unnecessary items and focusing on efficiently relocating your mattress, without having to worry about the heavy lifting.

Coordinating with Moving Companies for Mattress Disposal

If you're moving and need to dispose of your mattress, coordinating with moving companies can be a convenient option. Some moving companies offer mattress disposal services for an additional fee. Before you schedule your move, inquire about their mattress removal policies and any associated costs.

By leveraging their expertise and resources, you can streamline the process of getting rid of your old mattress hassle-free. Look for moving companies that prioritize eco-friendly disposal methods to ensure your mattress is disposed of responsibly. Remember to plan ahead to coordinate this service seamlessly.

Common Challenges in Mattress Disposal and How to Overcome Them

Dealing with size and transportation issues can be daunting when getting rid of a mattress. If you lack the means to transport it, consider contacting local businesses or recycling facilities for assistance.

Facing stained or damaged mattresses is another hurdle. To tackle this, use mattress protectors or wrap it securely in a mattress bag before disposal. By addressing these challenges creatively, you can overcome them efficiently and responsibly.

Addressing Size and Transportation Issues

When dealing with size and transportation challenges during mattress disposal, consider dismantling the mattress to reduce bulkiness. Removing the box spring and separating the mattress layers can make it easier to handle and transport.

This can help navigate tight spaces and simplify the process of getting rid of your old mattress without struggling with its size. Don't forget to secure all loose parts properly before moving them to ensure a smooth and hassle-free disposal process.

Dealing with Stained or Damaged Mattresses

If your mattress is stained or damaged, consider repurposing it for DIY projects like making pet beds or cushions. If that's not an option, contact local waste management for specialized disposal. Some areas may have specific regulations regarding how to handle stained mattresses, so it's essential to check local ordinances.

In cases of irreparable damage, dismantling the mattress into its components might facilitate recycling, ensuring that materials like metal springs or memory foam are properly disposed of through regular recycling.

How to Dispose of a Mattress with Bed Bugs

To dispose of a mattress with bed bugs, wrap it in a mattress bag to prevent the pests from spreading during transport. Contact local waste management or pest control services for guidance on the proper disposal method.

Avoid selling or donating infested mattresses to prevent the bugs from reaching others. Remember to seal the mattress tightly to contain the infestation before transporting it to the appropriate location for disposal.


In conclusion, disposing of your mattress responsibly is key to reducing waste and environmental impact. Whether you choose to donate, recycle, or repurpose your old mattress, taking the time to find eco-friendly solutions is beneficial for both you and the planet.

Evaluate the condition of your mattress, explore donation and recycling options, and consider creative ways to repurpose it. By prioritizing safe and sustainable disposal methods, you can make a positive contribution towards a greener future.

Let's ensure our actions align with our commitment to preserving the environment for generations to come. Thank you for taking the time to research the proper avenues for how to get rid of a mattress.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my mattress can be donated?

Evaluate the condition of your mattress for donation by checking for wear, tears, or stains. Charities often accept gently used mattresses free from damage to provide to those in need. Consider donating if it meets their guidelines.

What should I do if there are no mattress recycling facilities nearby?

Consider repurposing your mattress creatively. Upcycle it into furniture, pet beds, or gardening materials. Alternatively, explore options for mattress donation if recycling is not available. Reusing and repurposing can be environmentally friendly alternatives.

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  • Juliana Huhta
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